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Apple Pie Smoothie

With flavors reminiscent of apple pie, this filling and health-promoting smoothie is perfect for autumn. My girls and I first prepared this recipe when our beloved, time-worn apple tree produced an abundance of imperfect apples. There is something endearing about cutting up misshapen fruit when it comes from your own tree. Even though we have a productive apple tree, I still love stopping by local farm stands brimming with vibrant, crisp organic apples this time of year. Collagen and grass-fed paleo protein powders are featured in this recipe for an extra boost of nutrition and gut-supporting qualities.


1 cup full-fat coconut milk

1 apple, cored and roughly chopped

3/4 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

1/2 cup ice cubes

1 scoop vanilla PaleoProtein or PaleoMeal

1 scoop collagen

Place the coconut milk, apple, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ice in a high-speed blender. Blend until smooth. Add the protein powder and collagen and blend on low, until well incorporated. Serve immediately. Makes 1 serving.